An Update

Goodness…how long has it been since I last posted??? I don’t even want to think about it! Apologies for the lack of posts…I’m sure many of you will have seen me around still, commenting on your posts and replying to comments, but everything is so hectic here that my regular posting has slipped!

Those of you who read my Spring Blog Hop post will know that we were going through a difficult time, as my Grandpa was taken ill very suddenly at the end of March, before he sadly passed away on Easter Sunday. He had a lovely funeral service on the 1st May, which he had chosen the songs for, and he left me the responsibility of choosing the poems. Somewhere between all of that, April happened, and I’m not sure where it went. Because I lost April during this stressful and upsetting time, I have applied for some extensions on my university work, and right now, that is my main priority; hence the lack of blogging. I’m still desperately clinging to the blogging sphere by commenting and replying to comments, but posts may be quite few and far between for a little while so I hope you can bear with it! I do have a lot of posts lined up though! I have at least 4 book reviews on hold as well as a couple of general posts and several Youtube videos in need of editing. Right now the time consuming bit is the taking and editing of photos and videos, which I can’t afford to do right now. I’m hoping that this hiatus will be over in the next few weeks though, and I may be able to squeeze in a few posts around then! Continue reading

Happy Spring 2014 Blog Hop: My Relationship with Spring

Thank you for hopping over from Pretty Little Things In A Box!

A little while ago, I saw that Angela from Pretty Little Things in a Box was doing a Spring Blog Hop. I wanted to take part as I love reading Angela’s blog, and I wanted to discover other bloggers who do too! Plus, I have never taken part in a blog hop before and I love expanding my bloggy network!

The one downfall? I don’t like spring.

I know that a lot of people think this is pretty bonkers, but I have a few reasons:

1) I am a light sleeper so as soon as evenings and mornings start getting lighter, I start sleeping less. Even with ‘blackout’ curtains, I’m awake until it gets dark, and awake as soon as it gets light. I do use a sleep mask but that can be uncomfortable, but at least it helps. Continue reading

February, so far…

It is safe to say that I will be happy to see the back of February. It has just been ‘one of those months’ so far, and now that we are about three quarters of the way through it, I have given up hope for the remaining few days.

It started off with a bout of laryngitis. I should have know there and then that the rest of the month was going to have it in for me too! Because I was ill right at the beginning of the month (my first wee back at university after Christmas) I spent the next week playing catch up on the university work that I missed. Round two of the illness arrived with severe congestion in my head that gave me an average of about two hours sleep a night for another week. This then seemed to clear up again and I was having to catch up with university work again until a horrific cough stopped me in my tracks yesterday. Fed up of the fact that I could no longer remember what it felt like to be well, I spent forever trying to get through to the doctors for an appointment. I had no luck in the morning, but I managed to get through in the afternoon to be diagnosed with sinusitis. I now have some antibiotics to get me on the mend…but they make me feel sick. Oh well, it will be worth it all in the end! Continue reading

I’ve Graduated!

On Tuesday the sun was shining and I was up bright an early ready to graduate from Hull University!


Here I am all dressed up with my Mum and Dad!


And here I am with James 🙂

I had an amazing day and all of the photos look fantastic because of the sun, although it was slightly on the warm side in my gown!

All of my family have been really generous and I have loads of lovely cards and gifts! As well as the other cards that I showed you in my previous post, these ones have also come through my door: Continue reading

A Good Day for Post

It isn’t the first time I have shared my love of post on my blog…last August I wrote about how much I loved receiving exciting parcels and letters in the post and on Friday I was unexpectedly inundated with it!

The first letter that I opened, while probably the least exciting for you to read about, was the most exciting one for me!

WP_000070 (1)

I have been offered a place on the MA course that I applied for! I am so excited! I was starting to worry because I hadn’t heard anything for a while but since this has come through the door I have felt much better! All I have to do now is to get a good reference and a 2.1…no pressure then!

The next thing that dropped through my door will probably seem much more exciting: Continue reading

Getting Things Back on Track…

Sorry everything has been pretty inconsistent here recently, the stress of my final semester of university has been catching up with me and I have got pretty run down and ill on and off the last few weeks so my blogging (as well as everything else in life at the moment) has been suffering. I have just over two weeks until my three week Easter holiday from university which will hopefully give me a nice break (as soon as I have done the reading and the three essays that need to be done for the week I go back!) So if there are some gaps in my blogging over the next few weeks I’m probably having some ‘me’ time to try and stop myself from going insane or developing another illness – or I’m just catching up on sleep!

One thing that has been suffering as a result in my increased workload is my crafts, which have taken a back seat while I focus on university work. The one that has been particularly neglected is my cross stitching, which had sat for weeks without any work on it. Last week however, I managed to squeeze in a bit of relaxation time on a few evenings to make some progress on it. Continue reading

Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked…

So, it would appear that my aim to keep up with blogging in December after the slump in posts during NaNoWriMo hasn’t quite come off. December is a pretty hectic month anyway, but I am currently feeling pretty overwhelmed with Christmas crafting and university work! Luckily, I have just finished my Faith hope and Charity Shopping Swap and that is all parcelled up ready for posting. That just leaves me with 4 presents to finish before Christmas day! I’m slowly beginning to feel like I am making progress!

In terms of university work, my next set of deadlines fall in the second and third weeks of January, and I have three essays due with a combined word count of 9,000 words. Ideally, I would like to get these out of the way before Christmas, which might actually be achievable if I didn’t also have 19 books to read and 7 films to watch in preparation for semester 2!

The books include: Continue reading

The Best-Laid Schemes…

Many of you may have noticed that my blogging is slowly becoming more and more irregular. This is due to the fact that I am now back at university and since it is my third year, I have literally been thrown in at the deep end! I have miles more work than I expected in my first weeks (I even have a stack of ten library books already!) so because of this, my blogging has suffered.

My blogging isn’t the only hobby to suffer at the hands of university however, as all of my half completed craft projects are lucky to see the light of day at the moment! I have not been able to do any cross stitching, either on my dimensions gold piece or my boyfriend’s advent calendar. All of my plans for crochet Christmas presents are on hold and I am lucky to squeeze in a round of my crochet cat bed! Continue reading