2014 Project Gallery

This is where I’m sharing all of the craft projects that I complete in 2014!

I hope all of the blogging mums out there had a lovely Mother’s Day! Yesterday was Mother’s Day in the UK, and you might remember that I blogged about the gift that I had mademy mum in February. To go with it though, I wanted to stitch my Mum a card. When I was browsing through my WordPress reader back in January, I came across this lovely post by Frilka. I said that the card that she had made would be ideal for my mum, and I was so surprised when she dropped me an email offering to send me the pattern! I immediately took her up on the offer, and this is what I came up with! I even managed to find the same card that she used! I even pinched her idea for grading the colours so that the cupcakes and sprinkles get darker down the card. I’m really pleased with the outcome and my Mum loved it! It was really quick to stitch (which was a good job because I left it until the week before  to make a start on it…) And a huge thank you to Frilka for the lovely inspiration and for the cross stitch chart! You have made me and my Mum very happy 🙂

Mother's Day Card

This one has been on a back burner for the last few weeks while I have been ill. The first leg warmer seemed to take me forever to complete, but one evening last week I fancied making a start on the second one, and it only took me a few hours! Why does that happen? Usually it is the second one that takes forever though, so I suppose it was a nice surprise for the second one to be quicker for a change. And it gets something else crossed off my list after a pretty unproductive month!

I used the pattern from Lots of Nice Things, which is free and pretty straight forward to follow, although I did get a bit confused about when I was meant to decrease the number of stitches per round…I’m really pleased with the finished result though!


In my second parcel to my penpal Stef, I decided to send her a handmade gift. I had got her a copy of Mini Cross Stitch (Twenty to Make) so I decided to use one of the designs to make a bookmark for her…we both love reading! Since it was our February letter, the moth of love, I used the ‘hearts in a vase’ design on the front and I used some of my Parisian fabric left over from my knitting bag for the back and a bit of pompom trim for fun! Stef messaged me to say that she liked her parcel so it seems to have gone down well!


Now that Valentine’s Day has been, I can finally share with you the project that I was working on for James! Throughout January I stitched away at this cute ‘Elements of Love’ design by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery. I thought it was ideal for James with his interests in science, but the cute kawaii design definitely represented an element of me too! I also loved the pretty pastel colours. James was also thrilled with the design. He knew that he was getting a handmade gift, but he said that he wasn’t expecting a cross stitch so it was a surprise for him!

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I have had a productive start to February! The 2nd February was my holiday from work, before going back to University on the 3rd. I have been pretty run down the last couple of days with some mystery illness (cold/throat infection type thing…) so I decided to have a relaxing day in my pjs. I can never quite justify doing nothing though, so I put my time to good use by doing some crafting. I made a gift for my pen pal Stef, but I will only share it once she has received it. I can show you my other project though, I took advantage of having the house to myself for the afternoon to work on a secret project for my Mum for mother’s day. I know that mother’s day isn’t until March, but trying to find time to do it in secret is tricky! I wanted to stitch her a fabric basket to put some paper goodies in it, and this is what I created:

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I used some Nancy Drew fabric, as my Mum loved reading the books when she was growing up, then I read them with her when I was young too. I thought it would make a lovely box to hold her presents and I love how it has turned out. You can get the link to the tutorial here. And here it is filled with her favourite scented Body Shop goodies!

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I have finished a couple of projects in January, but I can’t share them both with you yet as one is James’ Valentines day present, and I don’t want to spoil the surprise! I can show you my finished Woodland Sampler though! I started this at the end of March 2013. It is designed by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery, and on the first of each month, you were sent that month’s design. Considering everyone was making a start on April when I was just beginning January, I’m quite happy that I manage to finish it in mid-January! I love it so much that I am going to look into getting the project framed (providing I have left enough of a border around the edge…) and this will be the first cross stitch project that I have EVER had professionally framed! I’ll post some pictures if it happens 🙂

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My first finish of the year was this set of ‘his &  hers’ beanies which was from a set my Grandma got me for my 22nd birthday. I started the first one (the ‘hers’ regular striped one) on the 3rd Jan, and finished it on the 5th. I started the ‘his’ one with the two larger striped on the 7th and finished it on the 8th.

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