
Hello! Thanks for stopping by 🙂


I am a twenty-something year old craft addict with a love of reading and writing. I studied both my BA(hons) English Literature with Creative Writing and my MA English Literature at Hull University and I loved every minute of my time there. I also worked as a bookseller at the local Waterstone’s – and surprise surprise I love books! I hope to share my love of books with you here, as well as films, concerts and anything else that I think deserves talking about.

It was my time studying Literature to which I owe my love of crafts. Reading was always my number one hobby since being a child, but studying 60 books a year for University made it a little less relaxing than it had been! I still love reading but am also an avid crafter and I will be sharing my projects with you on my blog! I predominantly cross-stitch and crochet, but I am also a self-taught knitter and dressmaker but I will happily try any craft that you can recommend!

When I first set up this blog I’ll be honest, I had no idea what a blog even was! My boyfriend James is a computer scientist and had had a blog for a while to keep up his writing skills, since he didn’t do a lot of extended writing as part of his course. He said that I should start one but I couldn’t understand why or what I was ever going to write about. Throughout my life I had tried several times to keep a regular diary, but I never had the discipline to do it, so I couldn’t see why blogging would be any different. Reluctantly, I set one up anyway and it completely changed my life in ways that I never expected to!

Since that day in April 2012, I have written hundreds of posts on hundreds of topics. I still favour book reviews and sharing my craft projects, but I am willing to try my hand at anything. I have learnt so many new things and tried so many things that I never imagined I would ever do! And, most importantly, I have made hundreds of friends. I never realised what a close-knit community I was entering until I took the time to engage with other bloggers. I have learnt so much from them and I hope that I have passed on some of their wisdom and inspiration to other bloggers too.

My little blog is my space to share my thoughts with the world and to discuss my ideas with others. I have never set myself guidelines or limitations as to what topics I will write about, I just write about what takes my fancy. Over the next few years I am hoping to maintain my blog and to find my niche in the world of blogging, but for now, I’m happy bumbling along through life and taking my readers with me!

Feel free to comment! Feedback would be greatly appreciated. You can also email me on hannah@philackroyd.karoo.co.uk

47 thoughts on “About

  1. marian g says:

    wow! I stumbled upon your blog while browsing for book reviews. and I really liked it! amazing how you have so many awards 🙂 and you look pretty young for a 20 year-old. 😀

  2. The Giraffe's Hat says:

    Hey Hannah, thought I’d send a message here so you definitely get it! The seller of the notebooks saw your comment and said if you’d like she will make a smaller more affordable notebook for any of my readers! With 10% off too! She said there is something for all price ranges so its worth sending her a message if you want one 🙂 Here’s her link to her shop, and just mention that I sent you: http://www.etsy.com/shop/0namesleft
    I’m also hoping to do a blog post about it (if she agrees) to tell everyone about the discount and things! 🙂
    Sam x

  3. The Other Watson says:

    I’m sure I’ve stumbled across your blog before, but I find myself wondering why on earth I didn’t follow you? Anyway, not making that mistake twice, this is a great little blog you have here! 🙂

  4. alisonb2 says:

    Hello Hannah, thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment! I have had a sneaky peek at yours and as they say “I’ll be back!”. Hope you feel better soon. Byeeee!

  5. Laura says:

    thanks for dropping by my blog Hannah! Yours is very interesting, cute and inspiring! I just love your 22 Before 22 list!

  6. Stephyy says:

    hi hannah! love your blog! I also love your 22 before 22 idea.. I’ll try to make one for myself too.. hahah.. anyways, much love from a fellow gigblogger ❤ All the best! 🙂

  7. *Wisher* says:

    I’d like to congratulate you on winning the “Super Sweet Blogging Award” ❤ To receive this award, simply copy & paste my post –http://prettylittlethingsinabox.wordpress.com/ , follow the rules, and spread some sweetness of your own! Thanks for being so fabulous! ^_^

    • Hannah Ackroyd says:

      Thank you so much! I agree, some of the people that I have ‘met’ through blogging are closer to me than my friends from school! It’s such a lovely way to make friends and be introduced to people from all over the world! xx

  8. sylirael says:

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog – as it led me to follow you back here and find out how lovely your blog is!
    My mother, sister and I are all keen crafters, especially cross-stitch and crochet ^_^.

    ~ZerotoHero high fives~ 🙂

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