A Week of Non-Stitching

I was hoping to make some significant progress on my stitching projects this last week but for various reasons that didn’t come off. However, I will share with you the little bit that I have managed to get done. I have managed to finish the outline on the lettering in my ‘Vintage’ kit from Bothy Threads and I have cross-stitched the first two object, in this case, a shoe and an umbrella.


And a close up of the objects:


I was hoping to get six objects stitched last week but sadly I didn’t manage it. I’m not sure how much I will get done this week either but I am just going to keep plodding along with it! I have decided to cross stitch all of the objects under the lettering, then do the back stitch on them before doing the objects above the lettering.

One area of stitching that I have made progress with however is my set of Winnie the Pooh bookmarks. I finished Tigger a couple of weeks ago, but then I stayed at my boyfriend’s on Friday which meant that I could make significant progress with the Pooh one too:


I just have Pooh’s arm to finish, then I can move onto the band above his head like on the Tigger one. From there, I will work the backstitch down and add the writing, before adding the final band at the bottom. As soon as the Pooh one is complete, I can mark off another kit in my aim to complete 7 for my 22 before 22.

As I got paid my overtime for working over Christmas, I have started collecting supplies for my handmade Christmas, and I have a stitched present in mind. My Grandparents love their caravan so I knew that this Bothy Threads Cut Thru’ Caravan kit was ideal. I just have to get it stitched and framed for Christmas! I will get started on this one once I have finished my Vintage kit.


One of the reasons I didn’t get as much stitching done as I had anticipated as I felt that my boyfriend had been neglected recently as I had been working on my craft projects. I usually do my stitching on an evening which is when I see James, so for a few nights last week I set the stitching aside so that he didn’t feel ignored. It gave us a chance to complete a jigsaw that I had bought a few months ago but we hadn’t opened yet which was nice and relaxing. Here is the jigsaw:



I managed to find this Ravensburger jigsaw for only £2.50 in the market! And as Tabby has managed to convert James to a cat person, there was no way I was planning on leaving it there!
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11 thoughts on “A Week of Non-Stitching

    • Hannah Ackroyd says:

      I love the kit too 😀 Luckily I don’t think this is one I’ll get fed up of because I love it so much 🙂 I’m hoping to make some serious progress with it as soon as I can 😀

  1. Ginny says:

    You are doing great on Vintage. Some days and weeks are like that and we don’t get done what we want to. But every little stitch gets you closer to the end. And it is looking wonderful! Love the pooh and tigger book marks. Do you plan on putting anything on the back of the bookmarks? Like felt or something? My hubby has just started cross stitching and he is making book marks and wants to know how to finish them?? I think adding felt will make them a bit more bulky, but he thinks he wants to cover the back. Just curious as to what you are going to do.

    • Hannah Ackroyd says:

      Yeah well last week was a strange week and I know that this one won’t be much better. I found out that one of the children that I volunteer with passed away so that put a bit of a halt on everything that I was doing and her funeral is tomorrow so the rest of this week will be pretty flat too but hopefully by next week I will be feeling a bit more motivated. It’s a good way to look at it that every stitch brings you closer to the end…even if it doesn’t feel like it at times! I think the instructions suggested card but I haven’t read them again recently so I will be having a look into it when I get the Pooh one finished. I will be at my boyfriends house for a while this evening where the kit is so I will dig it out and let you know what it recommends!

      • Ginny says:

        So sorry to hear about your loss. Thoughts and prayers for you and the family. I spent all day Thursday stitching on a mermaid pattern and at the end of the day it didn’t look like I added much, but I did a lot of confetti stitching that is so time consuming, but I know that I am farther along than when I started. Each stitch will be one more stitch closer to the finish 🙂 Thanks for looking into finishing book marks for me. I appreciate it.

      • Hannah Ackroyd says:

        The instructions for finishing the bookmark say that you need a piece of white card and white ribbon. The instructions say “Iron the bookmark on the wrong side. Cut a piece of thin white card slightly shorter than the stitched design and slightly narrower than the backing ribbon. Fold the excess fabric top and bottom to the back and fold in the corners. With the wrong side facing attach the tassel (optional) centrally and approximately 5mm up from the bottom folded edge using small neat stitches. Fold and iron the ribbon in the same way as the bookmark but slightly shorter. Stitch the ribbon with small neat stitches to the back of the bookmark. Slip the card between the bookmark and ribbon as you sew.” I hope this makes sense, if you have any questions let me know! There is a diagram on how to fold the bookmark that I can send to you if the instructions don’t make sense. I hope this makes sense!

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