A Vintage Cross Stitch Update

I’ve been busy making serious progress on my Bothy Threads Vintage cross stitch kit!



It might not look much at the moment but those letters are big! It has been taking me approximately one evening to do each of the smaller, simple letters (I, T, E) and two evenings to cross stitch the larger letters or even three or four nights to finish the ‘N’! I wasn’t going to backstitch the letters until I had finished all of the objects around the writing, then do all of the backstitch together because I don’t like doing backstitch but ultimately that was the reason why I ended up doing it first. I don’t enjoy having to concentrate to make sure that all of the backstitch is in the right place but I decided that I would like to get it out of the way since I could – you can’t with many kits!

I’m glad that I did the backstitch first after all because I can see the writing coming together now and it is really motivating me to keep going. I’m currently aiming to backstitch two letters a night so I should speed through this bit! It is also giving me a welcome break from slaving away at the cross stitching which, while enjoyable, can feel like it is taking forever some nights! I’m looking forward to moving on to cross stitching the objects that surround the letters though as they are smaller than the letters so hopefully I will get through them quickly! I will be aiming to do three small objects a night and I will hopefully be backstitching them as I go.

In other cross stitching news…remember this?


I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t! It has been lurking in my UFO bag for about 6 months now! Since I can’t transport my massive stitching frame to my boyfriend’s house I have sent a load of small kits (most of which were free off magazines) to his house for me to stitch while I am there. On Friday I was busy working on this Tigger bookmark that I started over the summer holiday. Hopefully on my next trip to his house I will get this one finished as I only have to do the French knots over the ‘i’s’ and a band across the bottom to match the one at the top. The kit also has a Winnie the Pooh bookmark which I will be making a start on next.
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19 thoughts on “A Vintage Cross Stitch Update

  1. Ginny says:

    Both pieces are looking great! I can see why it is taking so much time on the letters. There are lots of little bits and pieces in each of those letters. You are doing great! Just keep on going :o)

  2. bigbluebullybus says:

    I was looking at some of the Bothy Threads kits the other day – They’re all really lovely 🙂 Your Vintage lettering looks ace; Can’t wait to see the finished piece 🙂

    • Hannah Ackroyd says:

      I love the bothy threads kits too! Somehow this is the first one I have done! I am looking at getting one of the Cut Thru’ Caravan kits to do for my Grandparents for Christmas and I love the Gorjuss kits…I think I will be building up a stash of them!

  3. cross(stitch)yourheart says:

    I’m really enjoying your progress with the “vintage kit”. I love how detailed all the letters are, but of course, the more detailed the longer they take to finish!

  4. nayknits says:

    Looks great! Makes me want to pull out my cross stitch wips and finish them! My gran taught me when I was about 6 with plastic canvas and dull needles, when I was 8 she got me about 10 of the simple projects with frames for my birthday! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cross stitching
    I LOVE your “VINTAGE” project! Makes me want to do one just from what you’ve shown! I love the bunting on it, I never seem to find those cute patterns here in the USA

    • Hannah Ackroyd says:

      I love revisiting projects that I never finished…it gives the added benefit of knowing that you’re already closer to finishing than if you were starting a new one!
      I grew up watching my Mum cross stitching but i never had the patience when I was younger. I have fallen in love with it in the last couple of years though!
      Aww what a shame you can’t find them! I have found a few good online retailers here in the UK where you can get pretty much any kit you are looking for! But if that fails I resort to Ebay!

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