The Spring Cleaning Bug and My Never Tidy Bedroom

Yesterday as I was browsing my WordPress Reader I noticed that everyone seems to have caught the spring cleaning bug! There was so much organising and de-cluttering going on that I started to feel the itch myself and now I am impatient to have a thorough sort.

I do de-clutter my life every year but sadly, because of being at university full time, I don’t get to do my ‘spring’ clean until the summer holiday. Every year around this time however, I start to feel the need to have a clear out and I get impatient for the holiday to arrive so I can purge my clutter; and when the summer finally arrives I have normally lost momentum!

Every year I get rid of bin bags full of rubbish – I think it was 11 bags (yes 11 from just one room!) last year but somehow I seem to accumulate enough stuff to replace it throughout the year…no wonder I never have any money! In the past few years I have started being pretty ruthless when it comes to binning rubbish. In the past, my mum held on to every one of my hundreds of Barbie dolls and Puppies/Kittens/Ponies/Teddies in my Pocket for ‘sentimental’ reasons. While I am a great believer of keeping things with sentimental value, I have got to the point when I simply need more space and not every single toy holds the sentimental meaning that I want to hang on to. While I have been able to pick and choose what to hold on to pretty easily, my Mum finds it harder to get rid of things and I have had a hard time persuading her that we can’t keep everything.

The last two years I have had a thorough sort and I managed to part with a lot of things while Mum stood by quietly overseeing things. While she still can’t part with my Scooby Doo Door Guard, she has let me get rid of a lot and I’m not sure that I will be able to rid my cupboard of many more childhood keepsakes. I think the next major slashing will come when I move out because I won’t want to cart everything to my own house!

I am still eager to have another clear out this year though as ‘the’ cupboard in my room as it is known, has the habit of throwing everything on me when I open the door which isn’t ideal. I have also got to the point when my room is constantly slightly messy because I haven’t got a home for everything and it is beginning to irritate me. I am fed up of constantly trying to tidy and not having anywhere to put things! This is what my room currently looks like at the moment:



While it is by no means a disaster area, it is still not the nice tidy room I need to enable me to sit down and work without being distracted by things being out of place. It will, however, be much easier to deal with when that chest of drawers in front of my window has been dealt with. It came from my Nanna’s flat before the sale went through and Mum thought it would be ideal for my room. It will come in handy as it will enable me to put my clothes in there that are  currently in awkward places in my wardrobe (which is built in and I can’t reach the top two shelves!) but this will mean that my ‘craft corner’ a.k.a place where half completed craft projects are dumped (currently cropped out of the image on the right side of the drawers) can be neatly tidied away into my wardrobe, making the room feel much less cluttered! However, before I can start using the drawers, they need a makeover so that they match the rest of the white furniture in my room and we need new handles so this tidying solution is on hold until they have been painted.

So for now I feel a bit helpless as everyone else is getting busy spring cleaning and I am still working my way through books and essays. Fortunately, by mid May all of my essays and my exam will be over so then I can really tackle the tidying. Until then I will have to content myself organising the odd cupboard or folder here or there when I have time. I am definitely looking forward to having a tidy room though where everything is in its place!

6 thoughts on “The Spring Cleaning Bug and My Never Tidy Bedroom

  1. Ginny says:

    I’m not spring cleaning yet as it is still cold and snowing at the moment here in Michigan. I like to do my spring cleaning when I can open the windows and air out the house from the long winter and then I begin my tidying up of everything. You will get to yours when you are ready. It will still be there waiting for you 🙂

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