One Year of Blogging GIVEAWAY!

Lovely giveaway 🙂

Elaine's Yarn Addiction

Happy Friday, Readers!

On this date one year ago, I started Hijinks Crochet. Thank you to all my wonderful readers for all the comments and likes. In fact, thank you for just reading, or even just looking at pictures of yarn. 🙂

For a fun way to celebrate, I’ll be hosting a giveaway!

Here is the prize:

giveaway yarn

The winner will receive the lovely Raj Imports green scarf (100% cotton), and two skeins of a baby alpaca mix yarn. The purple is 60% baby alpaca and 40% cotton; the green is 70% baby alpaca and 30% silk.

Prizes will be mailed out with US Post.

The winner will be chosen using a random number generator based on when your comment was made, where the oldest comment will be #1.

To enter:

You may have up to two entries.

1. Leave a comment and answer the question:
What is your favorite thing…

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